Detailed landscape design proposals are likely to be required as part of Reserved Matters or Planning Condition Discharge submissions for a development. These technical submissions need to include details of soft landscape proposals, including planting plans, plant schedules and landscape specifications. Sometimes hard landscape details are included as a related matter and can include requirements for details of paving finishes, landscape fixtures and fittings, walling, fencing and other means of enclosure.
Local planning authorities often use standard or generic condition wording, with catch-all clauses. We understand the requirements of planning and in these circumstances will critically appraise what is relevant and reasonable to include in landscape proposals for planning condition discharge.
For residential development schemes our focus is to provide appropriate landscape structure and definition, rather than predetermine garden design choices which should be left for new occupants.
Tree planting is critical to this as well as appropriate garden hedging or other definition of defensible space and to provide an attractive street scene character.
Where the development includes areas of public open space, the landscape scheme will need to include appropriate design of the park or open space with details of fixtures and fittings such as equipped play sites, bins and benches. These spaces may also include drainage attenuation basins or other features. Public open space areas offer an opportunity to be more expressive with design and can be critical to the distinctive character of the development. When a scheme includes public open space we will look to provide an attractive and functional solution.
The local planning authority will also normally require a landscape management plan where a development includes significant public open space provision. A landscape management plan will set out the long term objectives for the management of the facility and specifies the management and maintenance tasks required to keep it tidy and safe as well as ensuring the planted elements establish properly and thrive. Landscape management plans are often also required to include a statement about how the management responsibilities will be secured (i.e. through a management company) and reviewed in years to come.