An artist’s impression drawing or painting is a traditional way of providing an engaging and more readily understood explanation of a development proposals. These can still be beneficial, but there are many computer aided alternatives now available.
Computer aided visualisation work can have varying styles and varying degrees of accuracy. Choice of technique will depend on the circumstances and objectives for the image production.
The Landscape Institute has provided specific guidance for photography and visualisation work related to LVA/LVIA commissions. This includes annotated photographs, wireline computer models, photowire and photomontage images.
Photomontages and photowires can be constructed and rendered with different levels of accuracy and realism. Photorealistic renderings and verifiable accuracy images require carefully managed production processes and are normally reserved for planning cases requiring the most stringent scrutiny. Approximate photowire and photomontage illustrations are a regular requirement for LVA/LVIA studies. We have in-house expertise and technologies for this purpose.
In addition to providing these services for developers, we also have experience of appraising the accuracy of photomontage illustrations prepared by others when commissioned by a Local Authority to assist with appraisal of someone else's work!

Existing view



Existing view
An artist’s impression drawing or painting is a traditional way of providing an engaging and more readily understood explanation of a development proposals. These can still be beneficial, but there are many computer aided alternatives now available.
Computer aided visualisation work can have varying styles and varying degrees of accuracy. Choice of technique will depend on the circumstances and objectives for the image production.
The Landscape Institute has provided specific guidance for photography and visualisation work related to LVA/LVIA commissions. This includes annotated photographs, wireline computer models, photowire and photomontage images.
Photomontages and photowires can be constructed and rendered with different levels of accuracy and realism. Photorealistic renderings and survey/scale verifiable accuracy images require carefully managed production processes and are normally reserved for planning cases requiring the most stringent scrutiny. Approximate photowire and photomontage illustrations are a regular requirement for LVA/LVIA studies. We have in-house expertise and technologies for this purpose.
In addition to providing these services for developers, we also have experience of appraising the accuracy of photomontage illustrations prepared by others when commissioned by a Local Authority to assist with appraisal of someone else's work!