We have extensive experience in the production and review of LVA/LVIA for all kinds of development scenarios, from individual dwellings to large urban extensions, and renewable energy developments. We have a strong background in working with local planning authorities and are well placed to resolve difficult issues and streamline the process for more regular cases.
We employ computer modelling to assist in predicting the visibility of development proposals for all our LVA/LVIA work. We also have routine procedures for producing approximate photowire and photomontage visualisations for LVA/LVIA work.
LVA & LVIA are technical studies which predict and assess the changes a development may bring in relation to landscape character and visual amenity.
Landscape and visual issues can be key matters in the determination of planning cases and LVA/LVIA may be a requirement of a planning application.
A Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment (LVIA) is a formally presented study, usually prepared as one of the technical chapters of an Environmental Statement (ES). A Landscape and Visual Appraisal (LVA) is a more informal study presenting a review of potential landscape and visual effects in relation to a normal development planning case.
Best practice guidance for LVA/LVIA work is set out in 'Guidelines for Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment' (Third Edition) published by The Landscape Institute and the Institute of Environmental Management and Assessment in 2013 (GLVIA3). Our studies are fully compliant with this guidance and are supported by a robust methodology and careful execution.
Engagement with landscape and visual issues at the earliest opportunity and before design fix can be vital to the quality and planning prospects of a development proposal. Initial review of landscape and visual issues should input into the design process from the start, or even as part of site selection processes and prior to making any development land acquisition commitments. To facilitate this our LVA/LVIA commissions are often divided into two stages where initial desk and field study provides advisory input to the design process and the final report write-up comes after design fix. We can also provide brief preliminary opinion reporting for new opportunities.